by tadmin | Apr 10, 2015 | General News, Racing, Racing News, Uncategorized
Harness Racing Dates for 2015 at Tir Prince are as follows Saturday 16th May, Saturday 20th June, Saturday 18th July, Tuesday 28th July, Tuesday 11th August Saturday 22nd August, Tuesday 8th September
by tadmin | Mar 25, 2015 | Uncategorized
Easter Opening Times Wednesday 1st April Friday 3rd April (Good Friday) Saturday 4th Sunday 5th Bank Holiday Monday Wednesday 8th Friday 10th Then Every Saturday and Sunday
by tadmin | Feb 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
Our Amusement Arcade Mr B’s in Rhyl will re open for 2015 on Friday 6th February. Open Every day from 10am (closed Wednesdays). Mr B’s has a great range of games and gambling machines for all ages we also have £500 jackpot machines for over 18’s,...
by tadmin | Nov 4, 2014 | General News, Retail Market News, Uncategorized
Our market and car boot sale will be open every Saturday from 14th February 2015 Gates open at 6am, no need to book. Car boot only £5 per pitch. for further details see our Markets Page
by tadmin | Oct 14, 2014 | Uncategorized
We can confirm that the track will be ready to race on in 2015. We have sent off our race fixtures application to the BHRC. We are looking forward to a great racing season in 2015. Racing Dates we have applied for 2015 are as follows: (dates not confirmed but...
by tadmin | Jul 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
In all our arcades you can win our ‘BIG RED TICKETS’ from a range of different machines. These tickets can be collected and exchanged in our prize shops for great prizes. We have everything from Key rings and sweets up to Radio controlled toys and LCD...
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