by tadmin | Jun 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
Our Wednesday and Friday markets start from Wednesday 16th July. Gates open 6 am as usual.
by tadmin | Jun 3, 2014 | Uncategorized
Due to the problems with the track and welsh water we are unclear when the track will re-open. This could be weeks or months, we have decided not to run the heats for the crock of gold, and when tir prince is fit for racing we will run the heats at Tir Prince. Sorry...
by tadmin | May 20, 2014 | Uncategorized
Through the Bank Holiday Tir Prince Market will be open Saturday , Sunday (as usual) but also Bank Holiday Monday 26th, Wednesday 28th and Friday 30th May. You can expect to find all the usual great stalls Tir Prince has to offer on all of these days.
by tadmin | May 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
Due to Welsh Water not being able to guarantee that works due on our track will not be completed by our next meeting, Saturday 17th May, we feel that now is an appropriate time to give people enough notice about the cancellation of this meeting. Adam Williams and all...
by tadmin | May 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
Follow us on Twitter, @Tirprince Just use the link below or click on the logo
by tadmin | May 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
Entries for our race meeting on Saturday 17th May close on Saturday 10th May. Be sure to enter via or call Eric on 07919818925
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