by tadmin | Feb 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
On Tuesday February 12th we will be holding an open day for job interviews. We have positions in our cafe, bar and arcades. To include cleaners, cook / chef, kitchen serving staff, bar staff, arcade floor walkers and arcade technichians. Experience would be good but...
by tadmin | Sep 5, 2012 | Racing, Uncategorized
Stoneriggs Mystery confirmed its status as the finest horse in Britain after retaining the Billy Williams, drawing seven on the gate it was led around the track by the in form Fool Around who drawn one flew around the first quarter is 28 seconds and 57.8 seconds for...
by tadmin | Aug 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
A new “world series” looks as if it is coming to the UK in 2013, Tir Prince hopes to announce some dates in the New Year.
by tadmin | Jul 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
For the first time we offering you to have a bet on the Crock of Gold meeting on 21st July. In conjunction with Barry “Pinno” Pinnington you can bet on the winner of the Crock of Gold final or on the three year old fillies race. If you are interested...
by tadmin | Jul 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
TIR PRINCE CROCK OF GOLD RUNNERS 21ST JULY ANTE POST BETS NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH BARRY “PINNO” PINNINGTON The world famous Crock of Gold free for all championship will take place at Tir Prince on Saturday 21st July, the 10 race card will kick off 5.30pm....
by tadmin | Jul 6, 2012 | Uncategorized
21st BIRTHDAY RACE MEETING 21st JULY ENTRIES CLOSED We would like to thank everyone for their entries for our special night. Other than 2 places in the trot we have reserves for every race and therefore we have closed the ernties. In order that we send as few horses...
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