Market Booking System Now Open for Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th March 2025
The market booking system is now open for traders to book their pitch for Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th March 2025 There is a weekend deal available to reserved traders: Weekend Deal – Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th March 2025 Book your pitch online...
Market Gate Times
From this Saturday 8th March 2025 the gates will open to traders at 6am, Sundays will remain at 7am until further notice
Nominations Open for North Wales Championship Races
Nominations are now open for The North Wales Horse Owners Association Championships that are to be held at Tir Prince Raceway on Saturday 5th July. This is the 14th consecutive running of the races and we are hopinthat the slightly later date will help the juveniles...
Recruitment Open Day
Come along this coming Sunday, 23rd February. We are recruiting for a number of roles within the café, bar, Funland and our arcades. Drop in between 10am and 2pm for an informal chat
Reminder to all Traders
As we look forward to welcoming you all back on Saturday 15th February this is a gentle reminder to ensure we have a copy of your Public Liability Insurance. If you have recently renewed or you are a new trader please send a copy to or make sure...
North Wales Tourism Awards Winner 2024!
Tir Prince Leisure Group are delighted to have the Go North Wales Service to Tourism Award 2024 presented to our Managing Director, Adam Williams. Jim Jones, chief executive of North Wales Tourism said: "Adam is a real-life hero of the tourism and hospitality industry...
Tir Prince Raceway hosts the 18th anniversary Breeders Crown UK & Ireland on Tuesday 20th August 2024
The gates open at 12:00pm, with the fabulous Sami Brookes performing from 1:30pm and more live music after the racing. The first race is 3:00pm, our licenced café and bar will be open and we have FREE face painting available! Entry is just £10 and children...
Harness Racing Saturday 20th July 2024 Cancelled
Unfortunately we have had to cancel this weekend's racing due to the adverse weather forecast. This is not a decision that is made lightly but we must act in the best interests of the public and participants as well as considering the welfare of the horses. We trust...
Market Bookings
A few traders have experienced some technical issues booking online. We are looking into this and hope to rectify it as soon as possible. If you have any issues booking online please call the office 01745 345123 where we can take payment over the phone. Bookings can...
Important Information for Market Traders
As of Saturday 20th July 2024 we are back to a 4 day trading week - Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Traders are advised that stalls can only be left up if you are trading all 4 days. If you are not intending to trade on any of the available trading days your...